The always wonderful Courtney Cooke came to Orlando this past weekend for a wedding and stayed with us. She is a splendid human being and if i could be with her all the time i would-she's great! On Thursday i picked up Michelle and we drove to New Smyrna Beach to meet up with Courtney and her traveling buddy Bethany (who is also the best!). We had a beach dance party, played some soccer (kind of), and found a dead crab. It was a classic beach day. On the way home me and Mitch stopped for some Frozen Gold and payed in all change-that's what they get for only taking cash! We had some really great car conversation and car karaoke, followed by 45 minutes of traffic on I-4. Worth it.

After the extended drive home we were off to a much needed bible study at the Graham's. I'm glad Michelle got to come with us-i always love taking her around with me so she can see my life. She is so much like her mom-feeding me snacks while i drive, not letting me stay up too late, making sure i eat breakfast. I love it!

After leaving the Graham's we all hopped in the car and headed for Waterford-it was Footloose time! Footloose has always been a Martin-Kauffman favorite. Two summers ago we watched it six times in one week. It broke our little hearts when we had to return it. You may also recall this lovely video:
Footloose! So basically we were pretty darn excited to see this movie! And it did not disappoint us! it was really fantastic!

Friday comes next. Friday was get-to-know-Bethany day. We went on a little dinner date while we waited for Courtney to finish wedding rehearsal stuff. I tried my very first fish taco at Tijuana Flats and it was delicious. it was weird but delicious. Our date night continued After picking up courtney. She took us to the Barn for a little line dancing (something i very quickly discovered was not my thing.) the average age at the Barn was about 50 and every single one of them could out dance me. Thankfully Bethany and I have a very similar dance style and the night was a blast. Courtney is an amazing singer and she owned the karaoke while Bethany and I cha cha slided the night away.
On Saturday my dad's company had a Fun Spot day. I went with mom, dad, and the little boys. it was a good time, but i learned a few things about myself that day. first is that i can no longer go on spinning rides. i think i'm still feeling a little sick from the stupid surfer ride. Also, i am not a fun go carter. I loved the go carts but no one else liked going with me. I guess im just too safe of a driver-mom said i was setting the pace for the whole ride and people were jammed up behind me, that really explains the looks i was getting while walking around the park.
That night Dad took Allegra and I to Daddy Daughter Date Night at Chick-fil-a. People really got into it. They were all dressed up and there was a violinist playing disney songs. It was really sweet but my family seeks every opportunity to make a situation comical and the night soon turned into "who can make the most fish jokes about the Chick-fil-a owner Mr. Fish". We had a good time though.
Sunday was Beach Baptisms and those are always really fun. We also got new couches so thats moderately exciting.
I'm finished.
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