Alright, let's be honest- I'm in love! I'm in love with the Hunger Games! Now, I know what you're thinking- "Isn't the Hunger Games just a more adventurous version of Twilight? And aren't you dyslexic?" Both thoughts would be correct. If you gave Bella a bow and arrow and a mild personality, she would be Katniss. If Peeta sparkled in the sunlight and drove a volvo, he would be Edward. Somehow I feel like I can justify my love for the Hunger Games way more then all the Twi-hards out there can justify Twilight. As for the dyslexia-this is the first book I've read that made me forget I was reading backwards. This is the first book I've read that made me want to read more books. Seriously, I don't think reading is really pitched well. Hanging a poster of Whoopi Goldberg reading Huckleberry Finn is about as inspiring as dirt. We should just rally all the non-readers and force them to read the Hunger Games- they'll be readers for life. I'm very confident of this. My mom bought the books for Nathaniel as a Christmas gift. I guess she figured she would flip through the pages and make sure they weren't all about child cannibalism...but once she started she couldn't stop. By the time Christmas came around Mom, Allegra and I had read the whole series and Nathaniel got to open worn out books with doggie eared pages.
A few days later the Martins came down and it was brought to my attention that they had never read the books. I took that truth very personally and we started a book club. For the next two days we spent every waking hour sitting in my bed reading the Hunger Games out loud. Allegra read most of it. Amanda reads with no emotion and Stephanie reads like she's just run a marathon. When we were forced to leave the house we simply listened to the audio version in the car. But that version was pretty rough, the woman reading it sounds like a 60 year old smoker. The Martin girls quickly joined Team Hunger Games and we finished a book and a half during their stay. Since then I've been catching myself narrating my life Katniss style. I also have a stronger awareness of plants and large trees.
I'm waiting for March 23rd like its my birthday.
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