Monday, September 12, 2011

I Have Two Blog Followers

This past saturday we went to Wet 'n Wild for Nathaniel's birthday. "We" meaning my family and about five of Nathaniel's strangest friends. I had the sheer joy of driving them there. Conversation covered a variety of topics-we discussed which of his friends could chug water the fastest (it was the asian kid), why Tommy knew all the words to "Baby", farting, a girl named "Yasmin", football, more farting (for some reason it's funny every time.) and dating. I thought the dating topic was particularly interesting because these kids are in middle school. I never dated in middle school, or

Thursday, September 1, 2011

     Blogging is a lot of hard work and i still haven't figured out if i like it or leaning towards not. Half the time i can't even remember my day and when i do remember and start to type it out it just sounds way less exciting then i thought it was. But maybe someday someone will ask me what i did on the first day of September in 2011 and i'll be able to say "i blogged about it!". So basically i force myself to type out my life so that on the off chance someone cares about my thursdays i can accurately fill them in.
     I guess i'll start with Tuesday...Allegra has been looking for a job for a while now and i was able to get her an interview at Plato's Closet-the only problem was that we both have medieval Humanities on Tuesday nights and it was the same time as the interview. So i told her to just go and that i would take notes for her and catch her up later on. Allegra is usually the one that does that for me..even when i come to class. I tried to make sure I got all the information i needed so that i would be able to