Monday, September 12, 2011

I Have Two Blog Followers

This past saturday we went to Wet 'n Wild for Nathaniel's birthday. "We" meaning my family and about five of Nathaniel's strangest friends. I had the sheer joy of driving them there. Conversation covered a variety of topics-we discussed which of his friends could chug water the fastest (it was the asian kid), why Tommy knew all the words to "Baby", farting, a girl named "Yasmin", football, more farting (for some reason it's funny every time.) and dating. I thought the dating topic was particularly interesting because these kids are in middle school. I never dated in middle school, or
even in high school for that matter so i asked the kid who sounded like he had the most dating experience how middle school dating worked. He told me it was the normal way, the same as everyone else dates. So i asked how he got to these "normal" dates sense im pretty sure 13 year olds can't drive. "well, you just get dropped off and mom usually gives me 10 or 20 bucs so i can pay for her too." - not normal. i then realized why i never dating in middle school...i don't think i would be able to take a relationship seriously when my fro yo was paid for by my dropped off boyfriends mother. The rest of the day was really fun, a british family came with us - me, Michelle, and Allegra spent the whole day asking him questions so we could hear him respond in his accent-worth it every time! I also have been having a strange desire to watch the movie Fame, so on the way home we called walmarts and targets to see if anyone had it. Evidently you can only get it online...i will be having a Fame party at my house in 5-7 business days.

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