Blog question: If someone spends the day with me and blogs about it, is it okay for me to just copy and paste their post onto my blog and put the whole thing in quotes? Or is that against blogging rules. I just feel like i shouldn't have to write it out when it's already been written. Moving on...
Monday: Halloween day! I'm a child and on halloween everyone finds out. There is nothing i love more then getting all dressed up as something ridiculously wonderful and getting candy for it...yes, i still go trick-or-treating. Every year i try to take my costume one step further, but i feel like they've all been pretty even. This year me and Allegra were statues-NOT ghosts. I don't know why everyone thought that. I would have spent way less time on a ghost costume. We spent a great deal of time perfecting statue poses only to see people open their doors and say "How spooky!" It was a lot of fun though. Im really glad i have a sister who's always right there with me.
Tuesday: We switched doctors and no one had been to the new doctor yet. Aaron was supposed to go and check this place out, but he had to work. So Dad called me and asked if i would go. I'm not sick. I went anyway. On the way over i tried to think of every possible thing that was wrong with me. I settled on the sore throat i had (that i was already on medicine for.) The thing i really hate about the doctor is that no matter what i go in for, i always feel way worse coming out. Every time they ask me a health question i feel like there could be a chance i have that issue. "No, i don't feel dizzy...well i might-maybe a little. Sometimes i feel dizzy-oh shoot i think im dizzy." "Nope, no terminal illnesses...wait, does this look like skin cancer to you?" "When you say 'head aches'..." So that was tuesday.
Wednesday: Disney Day. It was a super good time, a real average day at Walt Disney World. We ate some food, saw some shows, and rode some rides. (this is the part where i just want to paste in Michelle's would all like it a lot more.) I still have the small world song stuck in my head so thats a bummer-that ride freaks me out. I had a great time with all my favorite people and i learned that dreams really do come true! All you have to do is believe!